Prof. Alice Dautry, Director General of Institut Pasteur, and Dr. Yves Charpak, new director for International Affairs of Institut Pasteur visited IPS on Nov.5-7. Prof. Dautry and Dr. Yves Charpak have had fruitful meetings in Beijing with His Excellency Mr. Herve Ladsous, Ambassador of Franch in China, Prof. Chen Zhu, the Minister of Health of China, Prof. Li Jiayang, Vice-President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Prof. V. Deubel, Director General, and Prof. Sun Bing, Co-Director of IPS have joined the visits in Beijing. In addition, Prof. Dautry and Dr. Charpak met the members of the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) of IPS during its 4th meeting on Nov.5-6, and have listened to the discussion of the SAB members on IPS research activities.