Representatives from both sides delivered their addresses with passion. Dr. Deubel started his address in Chinese, ‘A big country must have big ambitions. Health in China is a major one.’ He stated that the missions of IPS-CAS are directed to research applied to public health and training of young generation of scientists. The collaboration between IPS-CAS and SCDC (SIPM) will share their complementary experience and expertise to elaborate innovative research. Both parties shall set up an example of the level of excellence to contribute to a better life and a safer city by improving the health of Chinese people.
Dr. Wang expressed warm congratulations to the signing of cooperation agreement. He wished both sides to do substantial work through joint efforts. He also hoped the cooperation can contribute to the “revitalization medicine through science and technology”. The outcome of this cooperation will benefit not only the residents in Shanghai, but also to China, France and the whole world. Although people have some knowledge in rabies, tuberculosis and HIV, the prevention, treatment and identification methods still need further research. He looked forward to breakthrough in theses fields thanks to the cooperation between the two sides.
Dr. Chen was pleased to witness the signing of the agreement between IPS-CAS and SCDC. He assured that CAS and SIBS will give full support to the following research collaborations. He hoped that both sides would join together and do an excellent work in fundamental and applied research in infectious diseases. He also hoped both sides to build necessary research facilities, to pay high attention to bio-safety issues, to do solid work, so as to apply fundamental researches to the prevention and treatment of diseases.
Since IPS-CAS was established, its mission is aimed to the strategic needs of Shanghai area and China in infectious diseases research. IPS-CAS and SCDC (SIPM) are complementary in fundamental researches and application in public health. In the past two years, both sides have several successful collaborations in specific training programs, like rabies diagnoses, bio-safety operational techniques, etc. The signing of this cooperation agreement will further boost collaboration, promote communication and hasten co-developments. Through establishing long-term strategic partnerships, both sides will deepen joint research in public sanitation and health, provide theoretical and technical support to the diseases control and prevention in EXPO 2010 and contribute to the infectious diseases control and prevention capability building in Shanghai.