On December 6th to 7th, more than 100 participants gathered at the Institut Pasteur of Shanghai, Chinese Academy of Science for the Asia-Pacific Institut Pasteur International Network – Nature Workshop on the Threat and Risk Assessment of Yellow Fever in Asia. Eighteen presentations and three round table discussion sessions during the 2 day workshop covered a range of topics, including epidemiology, vector competence, diagnostic tools, vaccine production and novel vaccine development. Delegates from West African reported their first-hand experience in dealing with the Yellow Fever outbreak in African. The workshop highlighted the need for preparedness of Yellow Fever in the region and the importance of strengthening cooperation among countries.
Representatives from the Pasteur Institutes in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Cambodia, Nha Trang, Korea, Nouvelle-Calédonie, Laos, Dakar, Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi and Paris together with invited researchers from the Nature Communications and China CDC discussed topics on the preparedness, surveillance, diagnosis and control of Yellow Fever. The workshop will provide a concrete road map as to how the Asia-Pacific Institut Pasteur International Network members shall move forward by putting in place regional Yellow Fever diagnostics; surveillance (humans and vectors) and preparedness plan in case a Yellow Fever outbreak emerges in the Asia –Pacific region.