Dr. Carol Dahl and Dr. Filippo Randazzo from Bill & Melinda Foundation visited Institut Pasteur of Shanghai – Chinese Academy of Sciences (IPS) on November 7.
Dr. Vincent Deubel, Director General of IPS gave an overall introduction of the Institute to the guests. The missions, scientific strategy, key research directions, research team and unique cooperation among the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai Municipality and Institut Pasteur were emphasized. Prof. Bing Sun, Co-Director of IPS added that, since the outbreak of SARS in 2003, the research on infectious diseases became very crucial in China. CAS and Shanghai provide IPS a good platform and system in biomedicine. IPS must make best contribution for China and for the whole world. Prof. Alice Dautry, Director General of Institut Pasteur who was visiting Shanghai joined the meeting. She said that participation of Institut Pasteur Paris in this cooperation was a long-term involvement. She commended that the cooperation among three partners was unique and very helpful to the growing of IPS.
Dr. Dahl introduced the Bill & Melinda Foundation and the “Grand Challenges Exploration” program, which was launched recently. An enthusiastic discussion between IPS PIs and Dr. Carol Dahl and Dr. Filippo Randazzo was following the presentations. PIs have asked many specific questions on the programs of the Foundation, such as support amount and timeframe, peer view, chance to new ideas, topic decision and so on. The international setting, mix of different cultures and youthful spirit of PIs impressed very much Dr. Dahl.