The novel 2019-nCoV Virus Identification Cloud (VIC) is launched on February 10 by Institute Pasteur of Shanghai and Shanghai Institute of Nutrition and Health. It will promote the diagnosis and prevention of the epidemic, and largely improve diagnostic efficiency.
The key problem of therapy prophylactic right now is how to diagnose the novel 2019-nCoV precisely and efficiently. Genome sequencing analysis is one of the pathogen evidences for novel coronavirus diagnosis. It is the basic task of virus tracking, mutation evolution and pathogenesis study. It also plays an irreplaceable fundamental role during plague prevention, clinical diagnosis, drug screening and vaccine design, that highly consistent with the request of the National Health and Fitness Commission.
VIC works directly on the next generation sequencing raw data. It consist of quantity control, assembling and virus composition analysis, and also makes it possible to efficiently test different types of virus samples including the 2019-nCoV. It can then analyze the relative loads online. Based on the results, VIC can identify the viral genome characteristics accurately, and detect the trend of virus mutation to support the vaccine and drug development.
VIC implements a one-click automated services from virus genome sequencing to genome assembling and identification, which largely simplifies the operation procedure. The hospitals only need to upload the raw data to the cloud and run the procedure to get the genome sequencing results for patients.
Huawei cloud provides VIC an automated sequencing analysis engine and a powerful computing power to support high throughput multi-sample cloud analysis. The results can not only analyze patients’ respiratory virome and support pathogenic factor comprehensively, but also help the hospital to do the clinical diagnosis and adopt therapeutic measures. At the same time, it can detect the trend of virus mutation, so that the hospital can respond at front.
Until now, Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center, Shanghai Ruijin Hospital, and Guangzhou institute of Biomedicine and Health Center of Chinese academy of Science have been the first recipients, who have already completed a batch of 2019-nCoV patients sample genome sequencing raw data analysis.
I.Virus sampling and analysis process
II. VIC analysis process
III.Sequence species distribution map