CHAO Yanjie obtained his PhD from the Humboldt University of Berlin and Max-Planck Institute for Infection Biology in Germany in 2014 (Summa cum laude). He received Postdoc trainings in the lab of Jorg Vogel at the University of Würzburg in Germany between 2014-2016, and in the lab of Andrew Camilli at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston, USA between 2016-2020. From October of 2020, he is a Principal Investigator at the Shanghai Institute of Immunity and Infection, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Noncoding RNA is an essential component of life. Our previous research has discovered many important small noncoding RNAs in model bacterial pathogens, including the 3’UTR-derived small RNAs. Using high-throughput RNA sequencing, transposon insertion sequencing and other systems-wide approaches, my lab will study the RNA regulatory network in important human pathogens as well as commensal bacteria, such as Klebsiella pneumoniae. We hope to better understand how pathogenic and commensal bacteria control their gene expression to colonize the host, especially gene regulations mediated by RNA-binding proteins, noncoding RNAs, and novel small proteins.
1. Wang C, Chao Y, Matera G, Gao Q, Vogel J. (2020) The conserved 3′ UTR-derived small RNA NarS mediates mRNA crossregulation during nitrate respiration. Nucleic Acids Research. 48 (4), 2126-2143.
2. Chao Y, Li L, Girodat D, F?rstner KU, Said N, Corcoran C, Smiga M, Papenfort K, Reinhardt R, Wieden HJ, Luisi BF, Vogel J. (2017) In vivo cleavage map illuminates the central role of RNase E in coding and non-coding RNA pathways. Molecular Cell. 65(1):39-51. [Previewed in Mol Cell] [Recommendation by F1000]
3. Chao Y, Vogel J. (2016) A 3’ UTR-derived small RNA provides the regulatory noncoding arm of the inner membrane stress response. Molecular Cell. 61(3):352-63.
4. Chao Y, Papenfort K, Reinhardt R, Sharma CM, Vogel J. (2012) An atlas of Hfq-bound transcripts reveals 3' UTRs as a genomic reservoir of regulatory small RNAs. EMBO J. 31(20):4005-19. [Previewed in EMBO J] [Multiple recommendations by F1000]
5. Westermann AJ, F?rstner KU, Amman F, Barquist L, Chao Y, Schulte LN, Müller L, Reinhardt R, Stadler PF, Vogel J. (2016) Dual RNA-seq unveils noncoding RNA functions in host–pathogen interactions. Nature. 529(7587):496-501. [Commentary in Nature] [Highlighted in Nat. Rev. Genet.] [Recommendation by F1000] [Press coverage]
6. Deltcheva E, Chylinski K*, Sharma CM*, Gonzales K, Chao Y, Pirzada ZA, Eckert MR, Vogel J, Charpentier E. (2011) CRISPR RNA maturation by trans-encoded small RNA and host factor RNase III. Nature. 471(7340):602-7. [Previewed in Nature] [Multiple recommendations by F1000] [Press coverage] [Kavli Prize Collection] [2020 Nobel Prize Collection]