2014-07On July 11, 2014, the International academic journal PLOS Pathogens published an article online entitled “Oncogenic Herpesvirus KSHV Hijacks BMP-Smad1-Id Signaling to Promote Tumorigenesis” by Prof. Ke Lan’s Lab at Institut Pasteur of Shanghai, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
On July 11, 2014, the International academic journal PLOS Pathogens published an article online entitled “Oncogenic Herpesvirus KSHV Hijacks BMP-Smad1-Id Signaling to Promote Tumorigenesis” by Prof. Ke Lan’s Lab at Institut Pasteur of Shanghai, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Kaposi’s Sarcom...
2014-07Institut Pasteur of Shanghai (IPS) signed a Memorandum of Understanding on May 15th with DiaSorin, Ltd., the Chinese subsidiary of the Italy-based diagnostics company DiaSorin S.p.A. The two organizations will work on a number of projects focusing on the development of new diagnostics tests targe...
2014-04On April 17, the international academic journal Journal of Virology published an article online entitled “Kaposi's Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus-Encoded LANA Interacts with Host KAP1 to Facilitate Establishment of Viral Latency”by Prof. Ke Lan’s lab at Institut Pasteur of Shanghai, Chinese Ac...On April 17, the international academic journal Journal of Virology published an article online entitled “Kaposi's Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus-Encoded LANA Interacts with Host KAP1 to Facilitate Establishment of Viral Latency”by Prof. Ke Lan’s lab at Institut Pasteur of Shanghai, Chinese Ac...
2014-04On March 12, the Journal of Virology published online an article entitled “Co-circulation of three HA and two NA subtypes of avian influenza viruses in Huzhou, China, April 2013: implication for the origin of the novel H7N9 virus”. The research was accomplished by researchers at Institut Pasteu...